Wednesday, June 4, 2014

IWSG: Procrastination Station

It's actually something I've been known to do since I can remember. When I was taking my psych classes I learned that it was possibly because I felt that I performed better under pressure. However, I think more times than not, it's more likely that I can be lazy. I hate even mentioning the word lazy because it's a four letter word! But, in today's society don't you think we do earn some laziness? Everything is so hustle and bustle that we hardly take time for ourselves. As long as we don't get stuck in the lazy mode - right?

How I felt after finishing rough first draft...

Right now, when trying to come up with the words to form the post for the Insecure Writers Support Group, I tried to think of the right words to express where I am in my writing journey right now. At first I thought I just lacked motivation. I don't know if that pinpoints it enough, I have motivation, I want to write. Then my mind wondered a little bit more and I thought maybe it's fear. Fear, because I thought I would have done better with my first book. Fear, because I've made so many mistakes along the way and I don't want to flub up the second book. Fear might be getting a little closer, but it wasn't the write word to best describe what I've been experiencing. Then I thought, what about plateauing?

Waiting to hear back from beta readers...

A couple of months ago I finally finished the first rough draft of the manuscript for the second book in the Going off Dreams series. I loved it and directly sent it out to my beta readers. For the most part I think that they liked it, the harshest of my critics (yes, my mother) she had some good points that I need to implement when I go through for the hacking of the first edits. This is where I have stalled. My writing juices didn't cease though, I started writing another book (an offshoot of the series Arduinna: Guardians of the Forest). After writing a darker scene (more so than I was use to writing), I felt like I needed to take a step back and breath a little... and I haven't written since then or picked back up on editing the second book (For All in the Hope).

What I feel like doing instead of editing...

So, I figured all of this rolled up into a word would best be described as procrastination. I'm procrastinating because I"m not motivated to hack through a manuscript that I loved. I always seem to get a little lost too and I'm not the best with grammar, so I am constantly worrying about sentence formation and proper written grammar. I definitely want to pay before publishing and have the manuscript edited, I just have to save the money (not an easy task when I don't have a steady income). Then I was thinking about how much work and efforts went into the book cover (the second book cover for the first book). Originally, when I first published I went with a generic cover. So, it was advised to have the book edited and to have a different book cover for the relaunch. However, all the work seemed to be for nothing. Now the fear seats in saying - why bother?

My reaction to having to do edits...

However, there is a nagging voice within me saying that I've made a promise and that I need to see it through. So, this is the mini-driving force. But, my long bout with procrastination seems to be the barrier. I thought about trying Kickstarter or Indiegogo again to try to raise the funds. I wanted to get the groups opinions and suggestions.

What gets you motivating during editing?

How do you raise the funds for services?

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