Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A to Z Challenge


Part of me stays that I don't really deserve to post this plaque of the A to Z April Challenge 2014 Survivor - because I don't think I completed the alphabet totally (X, Y & Z). However, I did put a lot of work into the other twenty-three letters and hence... I survived the challenge - Hallelujah!!

Even though I didn't sign-up for the official A to Z Challenge Reflections, I thought I would contribute nonetheless. As you might have already read, this year I really jumped in feet first; I signed all four of my blogs up for the challenge... crazy: yes, I know. Sometimes it was very challenging trying to get all of the posts completed, and other days it was fun putting the posts together. Either way, I would highly recommend this challenge for any blogger! It's not only a great tool to pump out some awesome posts, but it also connects you with other people/bloggers/subscribers. If you are just starting out though, don't do the insane thing like I did and sign-up multiple blogs... unless you are a seasoned veteran. However, my attitude and motto were "Game On" and "Challenge Accepted" and I think I persevered and prevailed.

As much as I love this challenge there was something that irritated me about it: part of the challenge is that you are to visit other blogs that have signed up - this isn't the irritating part - I loved visiting the blogs that participated. What drove me crazy was that 6 out of 10 blogs that I visited (that were on the sign-up blog hop) were not participating. Now, for those that had signed up and then decided afterwards that they could not participate for whatever reason - that's a totally different kettle of fish - it's understandable and thank you for posting in regards to that... however, for those that were still on the sign-up and didn't participate - thank you for wasting my time and efforts. However, I still believe it is a positive experience and I did connect with a lot of great individuals. This year was my second time participating and I received a lot of feed back - thank you.


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